Sunday, November 7, 2010

"Fall: n. The season when the leaves fall from the trees." - Webster's Dictonary

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

And the MORE..

I promised, myself mostly, that I would finnish what i started in getting this Blog updated. Meaning I had a lot of pictures to go through and a lot of creative thinking to figure out how to put the pictures that I had taken into a series of words. How to express what I have found to be beautiful, when it is simply just a picture.

The first series of pictures consist of wedding rings. To many these are just pictures that were taken so that Eddie and I may remember one day how shiny and pretty they were before they got worn day in and day out. However, after the wedding it has become more. They are vows, they are friendship, and they are a symbol of an everlasting love that only fully comes through Christ.

The second section of pictures for this post is from the Windy Gap camp trip that I got to take with some of my high school friend back in May. When I see these pictures I see Christ completly because it is through him that these SMILES are produced. A promise is given to kids when they go to Week Long Young Life Camp, and that is " This will be the BEST week of your life ..". When I look at these smiles I know that they were given just that!
Could you pass this up??

Playing Catch Up!

Hey! So, it has been a while since I got to sit down and last update everyone, but the time has finnaly come. In the last couple of months I have gotten married and I am still trying to figure out life, but in the mist of it all I have gotten to spend some time with wonderful people capturing moments. One of them being on of my favorite people! I got the oppertunity to do Senior Pictures for my friend Stephanie. The day was filled with laughter, smile, and joy. Enjoy some Snaps from the day below!

More to come...

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Your eyes will see the King in his beauty and view a land that stretches far"

- Isaiah 33:17

As ponder onto who I think I have been throughout my life I see a mixture of so many things. I have always been told that beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. Is that true? Do we all see different things as beautiful? If we do then why does our worldly views tell us only way to see beauty?

These questions are questions that every woman seeks to find the answers to on a daily basis. I know for me it is a daily struggle to seek beauty in the eyes of my beholder. The almight man who made me exactly how I am, and would never change a thing about me. I know all the right things to think. I know exactly how he see's me. Yet, when I look in the mirror I do not always choose to believe the PURE and HONEST truth.

God can and does put you in certain places of life to seek out different things that he wants to show you. I have been given the oppertunity to have a camera that not only captures memories but I feel captures beauty. Could it be that he is trying to show me how to see beauty from a different angle? Rather than looking to the latest colothing line, music, popular worldly views is he trying to show me that Beauty is in what I see rather than what others see? This is the pondering thought for the week.

I find myself surrounded by people and things that in one look I can see complete Beauty in. In those moments I understand completly why he created it to be here on earth with us. If nothing other than to make us slow down and take a moment to look at something precious and lovley so that we may have a moment to just not think about the crazy hectic lifestyle we all tend to live.

Could what Isaiah write bring a new light of truth? If we look into and are intrawled in our Kings beauty, will we see the land he has created to be beautiful too? If he created that for me to see as beautiful, could I be created to one day see myself as beautiful too?

Thursday, March 25, 2010

For every new season there is a new beginning!

Throughout out my life I feel I have been given a gift. This gift is something that has changed, molded, developed, fallen short, but been lift up time after time again. However, every new season has a new beginning, right? The new season of being a college graduate and a job seeker has brought a lot of self development time. Time to work part-time jobs, do odd jobs, and look into who is the woman God has created me to be? In life I have found that I am the happiest when being able to give back to others. With these thoughts and a recent investment from my mother I have found that picking up Photography again has began to bring my more joy than i ever though possible. So after many nights of praying for a camera, praying for God to invest something in me to give back, and him opening my heart to a new season I will take a risk and see what happens. I have decided to start a portfolio of my own Photography. Something that I hope will allow me to give back something that brings me such joy. Pi cures are something so simple but so delicate. It is as if you can see someones soul through a image. It tells a story, takes you back to a special place, brings tears, joy, laughter, smiles, and so much more. So, I thought to myself why not try and see if I can bring the joy I feel when taking a good picture to others.
These pictures are recent pictures I took at my friends daughters soccer game. As i sat on the sidelines cheering Kendall on I found Mia, her younger sister, to be in a great moment of beauty. Kids when they are in their own world are so much fun to capture. This is just a little insight to what I will be posting in later days. I hope you enjoy.